Colonizing Spirits
I don’t think ya’ll are aware of how evident it is you are operating with a colonizing spirit. Maybe it is another one of my niche skills, garnered through a lifetime of meticulous observation, but in your speech, your tone, your gestures, and actions you’re giving Columbus.
You’re giving you lack natural resources.
You’re giving you don’t know the difference between an opportunity and being an opportunist.
You’re giving desperation.
I want you to know manipulation isn’t your strongest attribute. I know what’s up. When you are used to be used, or sought out for what you can provide, you quickly establish the ability to determine the motivations behind people’s involvement with you. You’re not the first, or most impressive person to try this. While they are celebrating their ability to “get over” through what they think are complex methods of convincing, I am often giggling about how it took so much longer than if they just asked. Generosity comes from me, not for you. There is a difference.
I am rarely surprised by how inconsiderate someone can be, so this mild level necessity to “take something” that is a gift, doesn’t always register on my radar for concern. It is recognized and remembered, but I, initially, give grace. Even good people can be caught up in the American way and get lost in a scarcity mindset. Plus, honestly, it can be entertaining to watch. The tactics can get creative.
But those with a true colonizing spirit, they can never accept a gift. They must conquer along the way. If I have seen it once, I have seen it a thousand times. Your need to feel significant, your desire to be cunning, the thirst for power, clouds your judgment and all you want to do is win. So you go to a well of a person, like myself, and hide that you want to dip your hand to drink. But when I allow it, you dip again. And if I allow that, you bring a bucket.
You should have started with the bucket. You should have presented it openly. You should have asked to be filled. But you don’t. Doing so would bring to the surface that you probably don’t have your own well to pull from. Maybe your well is running dry. Or it may be overflowing, but, the water is putrid, lacking in what fulfills you. Maybe your well is perfectly fine but lacks razzle dazzle. In any, or all of these cases, you are hoping to sneak a drink from source that is deep in all the places you are shallow.
And it is obvious.
Maybe I am too numb to it, but it is comical at times to see the hoops and hurdles people will go through to get something I’m willing to give. Love, come get some. Attention, here you go. Support, I have plenty. Time… it’s a little stretched. Money, it’ll come back to me. Whatever tiddly wink you think you ran off with pales in comparison to what you could have just been given, joyfully. I’m embarrassed for you because there was always enough to share.
And that’s the difference between me and you. The resources I have are unlimited. You can come fill that raggedy bucket until there is only a trickle left and I will replenish with ease. Too many of ya’ll colonizing spirits are so focused on who you can take from, because you can’t provide it for yourself. No wonder you’re going from person to person snatching what you can and leaving a trail of places you can’t return, full of ill-gotten gains, but no value to your name. So, while I am abundantly and infinitely stocked, you will eventually run out of people to seize.
I love that for you.